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Carlos Sanchez-Marco
285 Chemin Jertou, route de Dax


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  • Château Moncade: Located in the heart of Orthez, Château Moncade is a medieval fortress that offers stunning views of the city. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and courtyard while learning about its rich history.
  • Musée Jeanne d'Albret: Situated in a former Episcopal palace, this museum showcases the life and times of Jeanne d'Albret, the Queen of Navarre. It features an extensive collection of artifacts, including paintings, sculptures, and historical documents.
  • Pont Vieux: The Pont Vieux is a picturesque medieval bridge that spans the Gave de Pau River. It is a popular spot for taking a leisurely stroll, enjoying scenic views, and capturing memorable photographs.
  • Eglise Saint-Pierre: This beautiful 12th-century Romanesque church is a significant religious monument in Orthez. It boasts stunning architecture, including a remarkable bell tower, and houses several notable artworks.
  • La Bastide-Clairence: Located approximately 15 kilometers from Orthez, La Bastide-Clairence is a charming medieval village known for its well-preserved architecture. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, admire the half-timbered houses, and explore local artisan shops.
  • Parc de Soubiron: Situated on the outskirts of Orthez, Parc de Soubiron is a peaceful park with lush greenery, walking trails, and picnic areas. It provides a tranquil setting for relaxation and enjoying nature.
  • Grottes d'Isturitz et d'Oxocelhaya: These prehistoric caves, located around 30 kilometers from Orthez, offer a fascinating glimpse into the region's ancient past. Guided tours take visitors through intricate rock formations, stalactites, and cave paintings.
  • Lac de Biron: A scenic lake about 20 kilometers from Orthez, Lac de Biron is a popular destination for outdoor activities. Visitors can engage in fishing, boating, and swimming, or simply relax on the lakeside beach.
  • Musée de la Chalosse: Situated in Montfort-en-Chalosse, a short drive from Orthez, this museum showcases the traditions, history, and heritage of the Chalosse region. It features exhibitions on local crafts, agriculture, and daily life. 10. Les Gorges de Kakuetta: Located approximately 70 kilometers from Orthez, Les Gorges de Kakuetta is a breathtaking natural attraction. This deep gorge offers stunning waterfalls, lush vegetation, and hiking trails, making it a perfect spot for outdoor enthusiasts.

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