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Contact Details:


Murielle Storme
Chemin Capbarat


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €50





Description for B&B:

Located 20 km west of Pau, you will find the charming village of Monein, surrounded by the beautiful vineyards of Jurançon. Nestled in the peaceful fields and woods, just three kilometers from the village center, is a quaint old farmhouse that warmly welcomes you.

On the first floor of this small house, which is adjacent to the owners' living space, you will find a peaceful room with a double bed and a single bed, along with a private bathroom.

On the ground floor, a cozy seating area with a fireplace and a dedicated dining area awaits you for a delightful breakfast.

The rates for your stay are as follows:
- €50 for one person
- €60 for two people
- €70 for three people

A delicious breakfast can be enjoyed for an additional €6 per person.


Appréciations pour La Petite Maison, Monein:

Un petit nid habillé de douceur
Review by: Sophie Spriet, Mar 3 2016 2:49PM
Nous avons passé un merveilleux moment dans cette petite maison. Un petit nid de douceur où tout est harmonie. Un bel endroit tenu par de belles personnes.

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At the entrance to Monein, located 20 km to the west of Pau.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(3 pers.)
1 50 70 6




  • Château de Pau: Located in the nearby city of Pau, the Château de Pau is a beautiful castle that served as the birthplace of King Henry IV of France. Visitors can explore the castle's rich history, admire its architecture, and enjoy the stunning views of the Pyrenees Mountains.
  • Musée Bernadotte: Situated in Pau, the Musée Bernadotte is dedicated to the life and achievements of Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, a local military officer who became King of Sweden and Norway. The museum showcases artifacts, documents, and exhibits related to his life, offering insights into Napoleonic history.
  • Jurançon Wine Route: Located in the Jurançon wine region near Monein, this scenic route takes visitors through picturesque vineyards, charming villages, and offers wine tastings at various wineries. It's an excellent opportunity to savor the renowned Jurançon wines and explore the unique terroir of the area.
  • Sanctuaires Notre-Dame de Bétharram: Situated in Lestelle-Bétharram, a short distance from Monein, this religious site comprises a series of caves, grottoes, and chapels. It attracts pilgrims and tourists alike who come to admire the natural beauty and spiritual significance of the sanctuary.
  • Château de Morlanne: Located in Morlanne, this well-preserved medieval castle offers visitors a glimpse into the region's history. With its impressive architecture, defensive features, and beautiful gardens, the Château de Morlanne provides an interesting visit for history enthusiasts.
  • Grottes de Bétharram: Situated in Saint-Pé-de-Bigorre, these spectacular caves are a must-visit attraction. Visitors can explore the underground network of caves and tunnels, marvel at the stunning rock formations, and take a guided tour to learn about the geological and historical significance of the site.
  • Le Parc National des Pyrénées: Located near the French-Spanish border, the Pyrénées National Park offers breathtaking natural beauty, including majestic mountains, pristine lakes, and diverse wildlife. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy hiking, mountain biking, and wildlife spotting in this protected area.
  • Musée Gallo-Romain de Claracq: Situated in Claracq, this museum showcases the archaeological remains of the Gallo-Roman settlement of Beneharnum. Visitors can explore the exhibits displaying artifacts such as pottery, jewelry, and sculptures, providing insights into the region's ancient history.
  • Tour de Moncade: Located in Orthez, this medieval tower is a remnant of the once-powerful Moncade Castle. Visitors can climb to the top of the tower for panoramic views of the town and learn about the castle's history through informative displays. 10. Musée National du Château de Pau: Situated within the Château de Pau itself, this museum houses an impressive collection of art, furniture, and historical artifacts. It offers visitors a comprehensive understanding of the castle's past and the region's cultural heritage.

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