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Contact Details:


Ricardo et Aliénor Venturini
Les Fontaines D'Escot



4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €66


05 59 34 54 40


Description for B&B:

Welcome to Fontaines d'Escot!

If you're searching for a bed and breakfast that includes breakfast and offers the option to book evening meals in advance, you've come to the right place. We are excited to extend a warm welcome to you.

Our property is an ideal holiday destination for various types of travelers. For motorbikers and cyclists, we provide a convenient campbase near the famous cols. Families will find our B&B perfect as we offer free baby equipment, games, and books for children. If you're a fisherman, you'll be delighted to know that we have private riverbanks along the Aspe river, teeming with trouts and salmons. And for nature enthusiasts, our location amidst the stunning Pyrenees is a dream come true.

In addition to our exceptional accommodations, we also offer a range of on-site activities. When the weather gets hot, you can enjoy a refreshing swim in the river. If you prefer a more leisurely pace, you can take gentle walks on the Saint James Way or embark on hikes to conquer the mountains. Basque pelota, our local sport, can be played on our premises with our own playing wall (equipment provided free of charge!). And if relaxation is what you're after, you can spend quality time along the peaceful Aspe river.

To ensure effective communication, we are fluent in English, French, Spanish, and Italian.

We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet you and provide you with an unforgettable experience.

Warm regards,
Ellie and Richy


Appréciations pour Les Fontaines D'Escot, Sarrance:

Repos et pêche dans une demeure de charme
Review by: Jo , Mar 21 2016 3:26PM
Une demeure style béarnais qui donne sur une rivière de montagne. L'emplacement est parfait pour la pêche, raison de notre venue. Les horaires de service pour le pdj et le repas du soir sont flexibles.
Response from property:
Bonjour Jo, merci pour votre avis ! Comme vous le dites si bien notre maison d'hôtes est idéale pour la pêche avec nos berges privées le long de la rivière (truites fario, truites arc en ciel, saumons). Au plaisir de vous revoir !
Excellente chambre d'hôtes notamment pour cyclistes
Review by: Thérèse, Mar 16 2016 10:44AM
Lors de notre voyage dans les Pyrénées à vélo, nous avions prévu de camper en vallée d'Aspe, mais la météo instable nous en a dissuadé. Nous avons donc au dernier moment cherché une chambre d'hôtes qui acceptait les vélos, et celle-ci est parfaite : très bien située tout près du col de Marie Blanque, chambre confortable avec salle de bain, vélos en sécurité à l'intérieur, hôtes très accueillants, petit déjeuner copieux.
Response from property:
Bonjour Thérèse, quel plaisir de lire votre avis ! Effectivement nous avons un grand local sécurisé pour vélos et motos. Au plaisir de vous revoir !
calme , charme et caractère
Review by: Caillette Brigitte/Claude, Mar 12 2016 8:55PM
Demeure ancienne magnifique , restaurée avec beaucoup de goût. Nous avons particulièrement apprécié la chambre spacieuse, la literie très confortable et le cadre en pleine nature, calme et très reposant.
L'accueil est gracieux et souriant , ambiance que bous avons retro9uvé lors du dîner et du petit dejeuner.
C'est une halte vraiment agréable , rimant avec espace et nature
Response from property:
Merci d'avoir pris le temps de nous écrire un avis ! Nous sommes ravis de lire que vous avez apprécié votre séjour chez nous. Au plaisir de vous revoir
Nuit étape vers l'Espagne
Review by: Bérénice BECASSOU, Fev 22 2016 11:35AM
En route vers l'espagne pour nos vacances nous nous sommes arrêtés le temps d'une nuit dans cette auberge.
Nous avons été accueilli avec sourires. Notre hôtesse nous a aidé a porté nos bagages jusqu'à notre chambre car il n'y a pas d'ascenseur.
Très propre, chambre grande et confortable. Il y a du thé à disposition, agréable après la route.
Nous n'avons pas mangé sur place.
Petit déjeuner sympa, il y a des oeufs, des yaourts, du pain frais, des confitures.
A notre départ l'hôtesse est toujours aussi gracieuse.
Lieu atypique certes mais confortable et chaleureux.
Response from property:
Quel plaisir que de lire votre témoignage ! Nous vous en remercions et espèrons vous revoir prochainement. A bientôt

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To reach our property Fontaines d'Escot in the western part of the French Pyrenees, follow these travel directions:

- We are located 1 hour south of Pau.
- From Lourdes, it will take you approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to reach us.
- If you are coming from Biarritz (east) or Toulouse (west), the travel time is around 2 hours and 30 minutes.
- We are also just 50 minutes away from the Spanish border.

For your convenience, here are our GPS coordinates:
Latitude: +43.065607
Longitude: -0.603647

Please note that we are listed in most GPS systems.

Fontaines d'Escot is easily accessible, as we are only 250 meters away from the main road, situated between the villages of Escot and Sarrance.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: 50% off for children under 10 years old
Notes: 50% off for children under 10 years old


Animals Allowed


  • Oloron-Sainte-Marie (7 km): A charming town located near Les Fontaines D'Escot, Oloron-Sainte-Marie is known for its medieval architecture, including the impressive Sainte-Marie Cathedral. Explore the town's narrow streets, visit local shops, and enjoy the picturesque views of the Pyrenees.
  • Fort du Portalet (12 km): This historic fortress is situated in the heart of the Pyrenees and offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's military past. Take a guided tour to learn about the fort's construction, defenses, and its role during various conflicts.
  • Gorges d'Holzarté (15 km): Nature lovers will appreciate the stunning beauty of the Gorges d'Holzarté. This picturesque canyon features a suspended footbridge that spans a 70-meter drop. Take a hike through the gorge to enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.
  • Ecomuseum of the Aspe Valley (18 km): Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the Aspe Valley at this open-air museum. Discover traditional houses, barns, and workshops that showcase the traditional way of life in the Pyrenees. The museum also offers guided tours and exhibitions.
  • La Pierre Saint-Martin Ski Resort (31 km): If you visit during winter, head to this popular ski resort for some thrilling snow activities. Enjoy skiing, snowboarding, or snowshoeing while surrounded by spectacular alpine scenery. During the summer months, the area offers beautiful hiking trails.
  • Lescun (37 km): Nestled in the Pyrenees National Park, Lescun is a picturesque mountain village known for its distinctive architecture. Explore the narrow streets, visit the 15th-century church, and take in the stunning views of the surrounding peaks.
  • Jaca, Spain (57 km): Located just across the border in Spain, Jaca is a historical city with a rich cultural heritage. Visit the imposing Jaca Citadel, explore the medieval old town, and discover ancient churches and museums. Jaca also offers delicious Spanish cuisine and a lively atmosphere.
  • Cirque de Lescun (38 km): This natural amphitheater is a must-see for nature enthusiasts. Marvel at the towering cliffs, cascading waterfalls, and lush greenery as you hike through the stunning landscapes. The Cirque de Lescun is a paradise for hikers and photographers.
  • Zoo d'Asson (45 km): Perfect for families, this zoo is home to a wide variety of animals, including big cats, primates, and exotic birds. Enjoy educational presentations, feedings, and interactions with some of the animals. 10. Pau (50 km): The city of Pau offers a mix of history, culture, and natural beauty. Explore the impressive Château de Pau, stroll along Boulevard des Pyrénées with stunning views of the Pyrenees, or visit the birthplace of Henry IV. Pau also boasts beautiful parks, gardens, and a vibrant culinary scene.

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