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63 Route de Blangy


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Description for B&B:

There are three beautifully appointed rooms available for hosting in a charming residence located in an exceptional site surrounded by 100% natural surroundings. Complete tranquility is guaranteed as it is situated on the edge of a river and the forest.


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  • Lac de l'Ailette: Situated about 30 kilometers from Hirson, Lac de l'Ailette is a beautiful lake offering various water activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing. The surrounding area also features hiking trails and picnic spots.
  • Fort des Dunes: Located approximately 80 kilometers away in Leffrinckoucke, Fort des Dunes is a well-preserved historical fortress. Visitors can explore the underground tunnels and learn about its significance during World War II.
  • Château de Pierrefonds: This magnificent castle is situated around 100 kilometers from Hirson in the village of Pierrefonds. Château de Pierrefonds boasts stunning architecture and picturesque surroundings, making it a popular attraction for history buffs and fans of medieval castles.
  • Parc Naturel Régional de l'Avesnois: Situated around 50 kilometers from Hirson, this regional natural park offers breathtaking landscapes, dense forests, and charming villages. Visitors can enjoy hiking, cycling, and discovering the rich flora and fauna of the area.
  • Familistère de Guise: Located approximately 30 kilometers away in the town of Guise, the Familistère is a unique social housing complex built in the 19th century. It features beautiful architecture, a museum, and exhibitions showcasing the history of social reform in France.
  • Musée Matisse: Situated around 80 kilometers from Hirson in the town of Le Cateau-Cambrésis, Musée Matisse is dedicated to the works of renowned artist Henri Matisse. The museum showcases a vast collection of his paintings, sculptures, and drawings.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Michel-en-Thiérache: Located approximately 20 kilometers away in the village of Saint-Michel, this medieval abbey is a true architectural gem. Visitors can explore the abbey's impressive church, cloister, and gardens, as well as admire its intricate stone carvings.
  • Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation: Situated around 30 kilometers from Hirson in the town of Tergnier, this museum is dedicated to the French Resistance and the deportation of individuals during World War II. It provides a comprehensive insight into this crucial period of history.
  • Parc des Châteaux de Brunehaut: Located approximately 45 kilometers away in the town of Guignicourt, this park offers the opportunity to explore the ruins of several medieval castles. Visitors can wander through the picturesque grounds and learn about the local history. 10. Le Familistère Godin: Situated around 50 kilometers from Hirson in the town of Guise, this industrial and social complex was created by Jean-Baptiste André Godin in the 19th century. It includes a museum, art gallery, and guided tours, providing a fascinating glimpse into the history of industrial and social advancements.