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Luce Anthian
15 Camin d'Azun


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  • Cirque de Gavarnie: Located in the Pyrenees National Park, Cirque de Gavarnie is a stunning natural amphitheater with towering cliffs and a breathtaking waterfall. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and offers opportunities for hiking, photography, and exploring the beauty of the surrounding landscape.
  • Lourdes: Lourdes is a renowned pilgrimage site attracting millions of visitors each year. It is famous for the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, where the Virgin Mary is believed to have appeared to a young girl in the 19th century. The sanctuary features beautiful basilicas, grottos, and healing baths.
  • Pic du Midi Observatory: Situated at an elevation of 2,877 meters, the Pic du Midi Observatory offers panoramic views of the Pyrenees mountains. It houses a museum, a restaurant, and an astronomical observatory. Visitors can take a cable car to reach the summit and enjoy stunning vistas, stargazing, and interactive exhibits.
  • Pont d'Espagne: Located in the Pyrenees National Park, Pont d'Espagne is a picturesque bridge spanning a waterfall and connecting two valleys. It is a popular starting point for hiking trails leading to scenic lakes, including Lac de Gaube. The area offers stunning alpine views, wildlife sightings, and opportunities for outdoor activities.
  • Cauterets: Cauterets is a charming mountain town known for its thermal baths and natural beauty. The town is surrounded by snow-capped peaks, lush valleys, and waterfalls. Visitors can enjoy hiking, skiing, and exploring the historic streets lined with beautiful 19th-century architecture.
  • Hautacam: Hautacam is a ski resort in the Pyrenees offering a range of winter activities, including skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. In the summer, it transforms into a popular destination for hiking and mountain biking, providing stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
  • Château de Lourdes: This medieval castle overlooks the town of Lourdes and offers a glimpse into the region's history. Visitors can explore the castle's ruins, walk along the ramparts, and enjoy panoramic views of the Pyrenees and the town below.
  • Grottes de Bétharram: Located near Lourdes, the Grottes de Bétharram is a network of natural caves carved by the Gave de Pau river. Visitors can take a guided tour through the caves, marveling at the impressive underground formations, including stalactites and stalagmites.
  • Jardin Massey: Situated in the heart of Tarbes, Jardin Massey is a beautiful public park with lush gardens, fountains, and a variety of plant species. It also houses a zoo, a museum, and hosts various cultural events throughout the year. 10. Château de Pau: Located in the city of Pau, the Château de Pau is a historic castle that was once the birthplace of King Henry IV of France. The castle now serves as a museum, showcasing art and artifacts from different periods. Visitors can explore its grand halls, gardens, and enjoy panoramic views of the city.

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