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William Van Haeren
13 Chemin de la Bellière
Le Fossé par Forges les Eaux


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Price per night:

price from €70




Description for B&B:

Feel free to explore the enchanting flowery garden, indulge in a game of billiards, or simply relax in the welcoming living room. Each room is generously sized and uniquely adorned with its own individual decor. Start your day with a delectable breakfast served with abundant portions. This genuine family home exudes a sense of independence, charm, and an inviting atmosphere that is both welcoming and comforting.


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To reach Dieppe from Paris, you will need to travel approximately 120 km on the road. If you are coming from Rouen, it will only take you about 40 km to reach Forges les Eaux.



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extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 70 80 014 oui


Animals Allowed


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