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210 R Martainville


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Appréciations pour Chambre D'hôtes Au Micocoulier, Rouen:

notre venue du 1er décembre
Review by: DUDOUET François et Joëlle, Dec 13 2011 10:04AM
dans un viel hotel particulier rouannais, typique des anciennes habitations à colombage.
décoration intérieur romantique remplie de tableaux représentant la famille du propriétaire.
acceuil simple et chaleureux.
nous reviendrons pour redécouvrir ce site et converser davantage avec Mr Paterne.Encore merci!

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  • Rouen Cathedral (Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rouen) - Located in the heart of Rouen, this magnificent Gothic cathedral is known for its stunning architecture and intricate stained glass windows. It is famous for being the subject of several paintings by Claude Monet.
  • Gros Horloge - This historical clock tower is a symbol of Rouen and a must-visit attraction. Climb up the tower to enjoy panoramic views of the city and explore the museum inside to learn about the clock's history.
  • Joan of Arc Tower (Tour Jeanne d'Arc) - This tower is part of the former castle where Joan of Arc was imprisoned before her trial. It now houses a museum dedicated to her life and the history of Rouen during the Middle Ages.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen - This art museum is home to an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts, including works by renowned artists such as Monet, Renoir, and Delacroix.
  • Saint-Maclou Church - Known for its intricate flamboyant Gothic architecture, this beautiful church is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Take a stroll through its stunning courtyard and admire the delicate carvings and ornate details.
  • Jardin des Plantes de Rouen - Escape the city bustle and relax in this picturesque botanical garden. It features various themed gardens, a rose garden, a greenhouse, and a small zoo, making it a perfect spot for nature lovers.
  • Panorama XXL - Experience a unique visual journey at this immersive exhibition space. Inside a cylindrical building, you can step into a giant panoramic painting that surrounds you, transporting you to different landscapes and historical moments.
  • Aître Saint-Maclou - This courtyard and ossuary date back to the 14th century and offer a glimpse into the city's medieval past. Admire the macabre yet fascinating carved wooden gallery and learn about the plague that struck Rouen during that time.
  • Musée Le Secq des Tournelles - Housed in a former church, this museum showcases a remarkable collection of ironwork, including locks, keys, tools, and decorative objects. It provides a unique insight into the artistry and craftsmanship of ironworking throughout history. 10. Saint-Ouen Abbey (Abbatiale Saint-Ouen) - This impressive Gothic abbey is renowned for its grand architecture and stunning stained glass windows. Take a guided tour to learn about its rich history and admire the intricate details of the interior. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, allowing you to explore Rouen's rich history, art, culture, and natural beauty.

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